Decoupaged Planner
Decoupaged Planner
So I hopped on the Planner-Wagon because I'm such a mess and forget everything. I bought one and thought it was boring looking but it was only $8. So I grabbed some old Details magazines, cut up some text and pictures, mixed up some glue and water and went to town.
I basically made my own Modge Podge (1 part glue, 1 part water). Brushed the cover, placed the pieces, brushed over top of them and let them dry. After that I coated the cover with 100% glue and a paint brush aaaaand here you have it. $8 planner that's the only one like it.
You could do this to bottles, picture frames, furniture.... you could cut out specific pictures or shapes rather than covering something entirely. It's easy, it's inexpensive, and it gives you something nobody else has.
Happy gluin'